Still Loving Jerusalem
Conversations With My Palestinian and Israel Friends

In Still Loving Jerusalem, Conversations with my Palestinian and Israeli Friends, I wrote of conversations and experiences I had with my Palestinian and Israeli friends during three of six extended trips I took to Israel over the course of 36 years.
The first part covers memories of living in Israel during the Yom Kippur War when I was 18, along with experiences I had in Jerusalem with my Palestinian and Israeli friends when I was a single woman in my mid 30’s.
The second part covers going back to Israel years later to search out my old friends, while also making new friends at Neve Shalom/Wahat al Salam where I was staying--the only official village in Israel where Palestinians and Israelis live together in peace. During this trip, I went into the West Bank to see Palestinian areas I had never traveled to before.
I learned so much by listening and talking with my friends from both sides. I invite you to read what we talked about.
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Still Loving Jerusalem
Testimonials for
When it comes to discussions about Israel, we often find ourselves speaking with authority about entire groups of people whose individual stories are unknown to us. This book is a personal story of innocence and vulnerability, of being willing to be surprised and changed by individual stories. Annette’s open-hearted journey has the potential to help us question assumptions about what is possible between people.”
– Beth Huppin,
Director of Project Kavod/Dignity,
Jewish Family Adult Education Educator,
Congregation Beth Shalom
Still Loving Jerusalem Conversations with My Palestinian and Israeli Friends is a great book from the heart of the author. It brings the conflicts of real people in the region, and how they deal with their issues. I remember reading the manuscript when she first started it years ago, and to this day I remember so many parts of it.”
– Rita Zawaideh,
Founder and President of
Salaam Cultural Museum, Seattle
Owner of Caravan-Serai Tours
Throughout her journey and at different ages, Annette is willing to ask tough questions and put herself in uncomfortable situations with both Israelis and Palestinians. American Jews who went on similar programs at that point in their lives can identify with her experiences. What stands apart is her curiosity and courage to engage with “the other” of Israeli society. Anyone who has ever visited Israel and really looked around will find something of themselves in this book. Her personal encounters reveal where the source of peace in the region may finally come from.”
– Barbara Lahav,
Pacific Northwest Finance Director, J Street
Through her conversations with Palestinians and Jews, the author has found fundamental areas of conflict impacting people’s daily lives, whether at Neve Shalom/Wahat al Salam or in the shuk in the Old City of Jerusalem. I was seeing her journey through her eyes.”
– Deborah First,
Director, American Friends of Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam
Associate Professor Emeritus, Nazareth College